Monday, January 7, 2008

Top Environmental Politican of 2007

People and environemntal groups talk about reducing greenhouse gases and tough laws to curb auto emissions and increase fuel efficiency but only one politician appeared to actually accomplish serious progress on this, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He drafted legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions and increase fuel efficiency at nearly double the rate the federal government and EPA set a goal for. The Bush administration recently went to the trouble of shutting this progress down by denying states the abilty to regulate such things, claiming it's better to have a national strategy rather than on a state by state basis, even though the national standard is much less demanding.

Our favorite Hummer owner now plans to sue the federal government over its decision not to allow a California plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

I cannot think of any politician creating more legislation to increase fuel efficiency, curb greenhouse gases and fight the Bush administartion. Can anyone else suggest a challenger to the throne of America's best 'Environmental Politican for 2007'.

Staff, , a website advocating fuel efficiency in automobiles, alternative fuels and energy independence.

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